e-Cigarettes (or just eCigs for short) are growing in popularity everywhere and leading the industry to $2 billion in annual sales based on the most recently published statistics. At the malls, in restaurants, and most public places, you will see teens puffing away along with adults. As is the norm on Child People, the word "adult" is used loosely to signify anyone 18 years of age or older, but does not necessarily mean that they are capable of carrying out adult behavior. Since there is no current legislation in the US banning teenagers from smoking eCigs, they are most at risk of the hidden dangers. The dangers come from inhaling toxic and carcinogenic elements such as Acetone (nail polish remover), Xylene (paint thinner), nitrosamines (cancer causing), and formaldehyde (used to embalm dead bodies). Also, there is no regulation as to how much nicotine is contained per puff. So the next time someone next to you is smoking an eCig, you might want to think twice before standing too close....
(Tobacco-Free UK):
I was able to exclusively use it for my nicotine fix a total of 3 weeks. Clearly eCigs are cheaper, no need to factor in cigarette paper, filters, lighters or illegally imported blackmarket tobacco; vaping is miles ahead.ecigs