Wednesday, April 23, 2014

NYPD Twitter PR Fiasco Highlights Police Brutality

The recent NYPD Twitter PR fiasco shows just how far removed from reality law enforcement has become across the country.  Officers are no longer viewed as knights in shining armor protecting and serving the citizenry.  They fill the nightly news with beatings and killings of pets, children, the homeless, the mentally ill, students, parents, and upstanding members of the community.  The idealized images of cops saving kittens from trees or stopping crimes in progress is all but a distant memory whereas in the present, the simplest interaction with law enforcement can lead to harassment or even worse, DEATH...  So when the NYPD made its Twitter feed available in an attempt to bridge the gap between everyday citizens and law enforcement, they quickly realize they had burnt that bridge long ago as the video below illustrates.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Pharrell Williams Has Happy Tears From His Music

Suffice it to say that there are a lot of people who enter the arts as singers, musicians, actors, filmmakers, and other creative types seeking fame as the end game.  This is tantamount to putting the cart before the horse.  The arts are not tools for narcissists seeking fame and it shows by the countless wannabes running around Hollywood broken and soulless.  It's very easy to see why these "artistic" narcissists can be duped into thinking otherwise when they see the media companies packaging girl and boy bands, parading so-called reality stars, and making movies not based on the validity of the content, but by who they can get to appear in it so they can slap a recognizable face on the keyart.  True art comes from the heart and soul and is much bigger than the individual artist.  The artist is just a medium of the arts.  Take a look at this interview with Pharrell Williams by Oprah Winfrey to understand what true art is.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Welfare Cheats Lived On $1.2M Luxury Yacht

While many Americans are homeless, malnourished, and lacking the basic necessities of life, you have many people who take advantage of the system through various forms of fraud involving public assistance benefits.  Here, we have Andrea and Colin Chisholm who were welfare, food stamp, and medicare cheats while living on a $1,200,000 yacht, owning a Lexus sedan, having more than $3,000,000 in various bank accounts, and owning a luxury lakeside vacation home.  The couple bilked the system which is mainly funded by American taxpayers out of more than $160,000 in public assistance benefits from Minnesota and Florida.  Colin Chisholm claimed to be a Scottish Aristocrat who made a fortune in broadcasting and Andrea Chisholm claimed to be a champion dog breeder of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels.  In true fashion, whatever goes up must come down and the couple was recently extraditied from the Bahamas where they were hiding out to face the music.