Although the highlights idiots displaying anti-social behavior and acting like spoiled children that need to be corrected, there are true heroes out there that deserve special mention. I guess it makes perfect sense that Julio Diaz is a social worker. It takes a special person to take on this profession. Many are seen as part of government waste and bureaucracy, but when you see Heroes of Humanity like Julio Diaz, it quickly changes your mind. You see, Julio, was riding the no. 6 train to the Bronx when he got mugged when he departed off the train. Held at knife point, Julio handed over his wallet to the would be mugger. One can only assume that it was a highly emotional event that would leave many people traumatized, angry, and scared, BUT Julio showed compassion towards the mugger and offered him his coat because it was a cold that night and took him to dinner. After dinner, Julio got his wallet back and the knife from the mugger. Although not mentioned in the story, we all hope the mugger's life took a turn for the better that cold desperate night.
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